Africa is connected with Asia by the Isthmus of Suez in northeastern edge. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, which separates Europe, and is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean on his west coast and the Indian Ocean in the east
With the exception of the north coast and the Atlas mountains, the African region is a vast and undulating plateau, disfigured by large basins. Considering as a whole, the altitude increases from the northeast to the southeast. The low-lying coasts, with the exception of the Mediterranean coast and the coast of Guinea, are narrow and rise sharply toward the plateau. A characteristic of the northern plateau is the Sahara, which stretches for more than 25% of Africa. The central and southern highlands include several major depressions, especially the Congo Basin and the Kalahari Desert. Other elements south of the plateau are the Drakensberg mountains, in the southeast coast, and the Karoo.
Istmo de Suez
The eastern mountains, which form the highest part of the continent, extend from the Red Sea to the Zambezi River. South of the Ethiopian plateau, rising several volcanic peaks, like Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Elgon. An element topographical characteristic is the Rift Valley. To the west is the Ruwenzori mountain range.
Sahara Desert
There are few rivers in Africa, but large and extensive as the Nile River with over 6,500 km long, the world's largest extension. There are also the River Niger, the Congo River or Zaire River, Zambezi, Limpopo, Orange River.
Course of the River Niger